
Late age-specific fertility patterns in selected E.U. and candidate countries

Janez Malacic, University of Ljubljana

The demographic transition started in Europe around two hundred and fifty years ago. The European continent has been a for-runner in the transition process. Recent procreation in Europe is concentrated in the female age group 25 – 34 years. Europeans tend to limit fertility in marginal age groups of female’s reproductive period. In the paper the author plans to address late age-specific fertility patterns in selected EU and candidate countries. Age-specific fertility has been low in Europe recently after the age of 35 years. However, if we differ between 35-39, 40-44 and 45-49 years of age we can see considerable differences. The age group 35-39 is still important for the procreation while the next two age groups show very low childbearing. The author will contrast late age-specific fertility patterns in Northern, Central and Southern Europe and candidate Balkan countries and Turkey.

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Presented in Poster Session 2: Fertility, family and children