
Pattern and process of migration in an Indian metropolis

Nivedita Hansraj, Management Institute of Population and Development
Sudesh Nangia, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Urbanization and urban social networks have a profound impact on inter-regional migration. Such networks shape migration flows and are important for economic, social and cultural integration of migrants at destination. Migration forms an important component in urban centres as it involves adjustments in the living environments in the city, both by the migrant and local people with reference to their mutual response to living in a common milieu. This study examines the economic, social and cultural adjustments and integration of migrants in Ludhiana metropolis in Punjab, India. The migrant work history data of a sample of 365 respondents, drawn from two main industries, the Hosiery and the Light Engineering, and their ancillary units are used. The findings indicate that migration follows a distance decay pattern. Family and community networks play a major role in the process of migration. Economic integration is found to be more dominant than social and cultural integration.

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Presented in Session 134: Internal migration and urbanization: processes and patterns (2)